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Bray Wyatt Had Nothing But Good Things To Say About His Relationship With Triple H

Bray Wyatt is one of the most charismatic and magnetic characters in all of pro wrestling, but it wasn’t always that way. Wyatt used to be Husky Harris in the NXT program, but began transforming himself under the FCW banner, becoming Bray Wyatt.
In a new interview with Busted Open, Bray spoke about his transformation, and he credited Triple H with helping him along.
Hunter was there at the beginning of NXT. It was nothing, it was still FCW, it was a warehouse, and when he came in, everything started to change. It was a lot of cartoon characters. It was, I’m not going to name names, but a lot of goofs and, you know, guys just wearing trunks and going out there, baby oil all over themselves, and then there was me. When we started that first show, I was one of the first characters to ever come out and I was so different. No one understood that at that time because NXT was not what you see today with all these bright characters. Finn Balor coming out with all the, whatever, devil crap. It wasn’t like that then. It was just cartoon characters and when I walked out, it was just a great feeling because people immediately accepted what I was doing. They didn’t care about the other guy. They didn’t want to know about how it happened. They were just happy it did. They were very receptive and Hunter was instrumental in that for believing in me when not too many other people did… He’s carried me a long way and I owe him everything.
So, there you go, folks. Though he may not have come up with the character, we can credit Triple H with helping Husky Harris successfully maintain his Bray Wyatt character past the developmental stage. Now, if we can just get Trips to say sweet somethings into Vince McMahon’s ear about Wyatt getting some kind of push…
credits : uproxx
source : wwe

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