Sasha Banks is the latest star to display some passive aggressive irritation on social media, with Instagram being the platform this day.
One eagle-eyed reader has brought it to our attention that in the comments for a picture Sasha posted of herself in a fetching black dress, the usual 'babe u so fine' and 'dayum gurl' remarks could be found, but hidden within Sasha herself found time to respond to a fairly innocent question.
User 'mrx415' asked where The Boss was, stating that RAW and the women's division are, I quote, 'whack' without her.
The Boss responded directly to the comment, saying that she can be caught on Main Event and Superstars. A purely factual response to Sasha's recent return to in-ring competition on those two shows? Or the frustrated sarcasm of someone the entire WWE Universe and their dog so clearly wants on the top of the mountain?