At the climax of WWE SummerSlam 2016, Brock Lesnar stood tall over all and sundry with his arm raised in victory. Randy Orton lay in a pool of his own blood, and Orton's boss on SmackDown Live came down to try to put an end to the situation.
Shane McMahon maybe felt that his position of authority would provide him a little security in the face of the Beast Incarnate.
Shane-O Mac was wrong. To the dismay of Paul Heyman, Lesnar scooped up Shane and hit the Prodigal Son with an F5, making that two SmackDown Live bodies quashed by Brock Lesnar at the second biggest show of the year.
Whilst the brand split is still fairly fresh, Shane's appearance is surely leading to something bigger down the road for The Boy Wonder. McMahon recently spoke of his interest in wrestling again if the right story came forward, and what better reason to enter the ring than a threat posed to his brand by the most terrifying man in combat sports?
Whether we want it to happen or not, Shane McMahon vs. Brock Lesnar is all of a sudden a match that seems likely to happen in the future. It may happen sooner rather than later too, as WWE has a tendency to run through its stories in the modern age. Brock surely has a kayfabe suspension in front of him, and it'll be Shane who takes the blame for taking food off the table of Brock's children.
How would it be booked? Well, logic dictates it would be a five-minute one-sided destruction, but the addition of a No Holds Barred type stipulation would allow Shane some sort of plunder-assisted hope. Heck, Shane's surely got one last insane fall in him hasn't he?
Expect to see this match before WrestleMania 33, maybe even as soon as Survivor Series