The good doesn’t prevent the better? It’s hard to see where the good was in one of the most bizarre celebrity trials in recent history. To recap Hogan had a sex tape leaked (where he was sleeping with a married woman), by the Gawker Media Group (GMG) in which he also spewed out some horribly racist remarks. As a result of this leak Hogan was fired from the WWE and scrubbed out from the company’s history and Hall of Fame.
The leak is no doubt a violation of his privacy and to call this defamation of character would 100 percent fit that definition. At the same time, learning that he’s a straight-up racist is damning enough for people and organizations to have disassociated themselves from Hogan. It’s hard to go back once the information is out. But as a result of this violation, GMG lost the lawsuit big time. The jury awarded Hogan $115 million from not only Gawker Media, but from founder Nick Denton and editor A.J. Daulerio personally. They admitted almost immediately that they didn’t have that money and have now filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It’s hard to see the good when it’s basically a lose-lose situation for all involved.
The only one who looks like they won out of this whole situation was billionaire Peter Thiel, who secretly bankrolled Hogans legal team. Lesson learned: if you’re a billionaire and you don’t like what’s being said about you in the media, fund other lawsuits against them and get your way. Congrats, Peter Thiel!
This is corporate media vigilantly justice gone wrong, but it’s hard to imagine this would have never gotten out eventually. Like what if he didn’t say racist remarks in a sex tape but in another tape? What if they just leaked the audio, would it all be different? For Hulk Hogan to say only good happens to him is a bold statement considering a lot of bad things have happened in his personal life over the years. But maybe the “Hulkster” is just happy to be able to move on. Maybe now all those involved will begin to find some peace and closure … after they all find new jobs.